In This Issue

“Who Is You?”: The Posthumanism of Moonlight
Precarious conditions, the embodied self, and the rejection of the liberal humanist tradition

AHS: My Roanoke Nightmare and our Incoherent Understanding of Trump Voters
The horrors of the American margins, both geographic and political

A Culture of Greed: 2008 in The Bling Ring and The Big Short
Hybrid genre in pop culture illustrations of Wall Street and Hollywood

A Series of Unfortunate Events: A Reflection on Adultism
ASOUE, in gaslighting the Baudelaire children, shows oppression in three sociological models of childhood: Apollonian, Dionysian, and Athenian.

An Unofficial Brief on Toxic Nationalist Metaphors and Ice Cream Cones in the Sun
street murals and unidentified brown bodies

Cooking with Class: A Little French
The spectacle of transparency and authenticity in food, plus how to chop celeriac.

Critical Feelings: A Primer on Emotional Culture
critical thought and feely feelings are actually natural best friends

Dame Ethel Smyth: Feminine/Feminist Composer
On the "feminine" compositions of early opera and their recent feminist resurgence

Dear God—or Hannah Arendt—Please Make This Documenta Acid Trip Stop!
Failing at Documenta 14, Kassel

Don't Look: Look Closely: Abortion and Anti-Choice Aesthetics (Part 1)
intimidated into turning away

Don't Look: Look Closely: Abortion and Anti-Choice Aesthetics (Part 2)
The images are of individual entities, but they are about family.

Dystopias are for Girls: Lidia Yuknavitch’s The Book of Joan
The body as narrative, without boundaries

Emotional Culture and 9/11
emotional culture is everything we do, because we live in the cultural products that reflect, articulate, and respond to us

Hans In Luck
My friends I stand before you today as a horse falsely accused and fiercely wronged

Instagram and Protest: Cake in the Imaginary Economy
Baking for a political Instagram archive raises the question: can protest, like cake, be generous?

It's in the Cloud: Miasma,, and Computing
The history of health in clouds, from miasmas to digital healthcare and "cloud campuses"

PINTIMIDATION: which Madeleine Albright pin should you wear to your salary negotiation?
Take this quiz to determine which of Secretary Albright's statement pieces is right for you next salary negotiation.

Rethinking the Creative Class: Toward Creative Resistance
urban space and the role of the state

Shriek When the Pain Hits: Form, Feeling, and Violence in the Inflammatory Essays
Consuming Holzer's text as image in the gallery and on Pinterest

Sign of the Times: 1 Year of Trump
Take this quiz to figure out what type of protest sign you should make for President Trump's one year paper anniversary!

Soviet Salon: Dinner on the Centenary of the Russian Revolution
A salon dinner about art and food in the Russian Revolution of 1917

Success Sans Tragedy: the Story of Katy Perry
Tragedy, authenticity, and quality in Katy Perry's Part of Me and their relation to dominant narratives of the artist.

The Grotesque: Mischief and Wonder in Renaissance Art
the misshapen, the disproportionate, the fantastic and the delirious

There's Something About the Intro to Orange Is the New Black
The formal qualities of the images used in Orange is the New Black's title sequence are thematically relevant and evocative.

To Bake a Hummingbird Cake: Female Food Blogging and Whiteness
female food blogging and whiteness

Visions of Eden: The State of Nature as Idyll
The language of environmental harmony is often used in Indigenous rights advocacy, but does it perpetuate the myth of the "noble savage"?

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