Sign of the Times: 1 Year of Trump
Here at D.A. we have a number of ways of getting things done. We have to. Because we’re mercurial.
Often, I’ll read a good book or article and think, “there should be something on D.A. about that.” Then I forget about it for a while, or maybe I write a quiz. And, then, sometimes, this happens:
And that, my good friends, is why we’re here today. It’s Trump’s one year anniversary as president, and, as any diligent follower of Emily Post will tell you, a one year anniversary is celebrated with paper. So now you’re thinking, “hm…a paper bag? Toilet paper? What’s the perfect gift here?” What about a good old fashioned protest sign? Because we all know how much Trumpito loves free speech, and activism, and dissent!
Take this quiz to figure out what type of sign you should make now that we’re one year in. And don’t forget to tweet us a pic of your creation for Women’s March 2018!






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