Call for Submissions: Critical Constellations
Open call for submissions to Dilettante Army’s Fall 2024 issue, “Critical Constellations”

Call for Submissions: Tiger Beat Theory
Open call for submissions to Dilettante Army’s Spring 2024 issue, “Tiger Beat Theory”

Palestine Reading List
A list of suggested reading on Palestine from Dilettante Army contributors

Call for Submissions: Well, Actually
Open call for submissions to Dilettante Army’s Winter 2023 issue, “Well, Actually.”

Call for Submissions: Definitive Guide
What defines a definitive guide? A definitive guide is correct and complete, demonstrating full comprehension and practical mastery. Guides are texts and people that disseminate knowledge: manuals, how-tos, and tour guides. A guide is only definitive, however, for a moment in time. Technology and fashion change, leaving experts on things like lace bonnets or JavaScript […]

On Intimacy: An Interview with Chloë Bass
In conversation with Dilettante Army, artist Chloë Bass talks about her work on intimacy and its growing scales of partnership, group, and institution.

In remembrance of Jeremy Stephen Shedd
In late December of 2022 Dilettante Army co-founder Jeremy Shedd passed away. A graduate of George Mason University and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Jeremy was the artist behind Glass Crayons.

Call for Submissions: Wifey
Call for Submissions for Dilettante Army’s Spring 2023 issue, “Wifey.”

Call for Submissions: Weak Aesthetics
Call for Submissions for Dilettante Army’s Winter 2022 issue, “Weak Aesthetics.”

Call for Submissions: Two Kinds of People
Call for Submissions for Dilettante Army’s Summer 2022 issue, “Two Kinds of People.”

Call for Submissions: A Spectre Is Haunting…
Call for Submissions for Dilettante Army’s Spring 2022 issue, “A Spectre is Haunting…”

Call for Submissions: Clubs
Please note: Submissions are now closed A club is an organization that exists somewhere between unbridled enthusiasm and institutional authority. A club is a convivial wonderhouse–not quite a group of strangers, not yet a hallowed hall; it provides solidarity without bureaucracy, learning without academia, association without loyalty oaths. There are all kinds of clubs: book, […]

Call for Submissions: Republican Speech
Submissions are now closed. “Poetry is republican speech: a speech which is its own law and end unto itself, and in which all the parts are free citizens and have the right to vote.” –Friedrich Schlegel, Critical Fragments no. 65 The theme of Dilettante Army’s Spring 2019 issue is Republican Speech. Speech that builds […]

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