How does a poem deal with abstraction? Kirsten Ihns’s ekphrasis of Kim Keever’s lyrical aquarium fantasias is a fouetté on the border of the mimetic and the abstract (much like Keever’s images): is that an island or a dog or merely a figure in the mist? “NEBULA PAINLESS FOAM PET” is interested, I think, in the Rorschach power of suggestion but also in the way that suggestion can spill out to color ordinary domestic scenes and encounters (a great dog, which is like the Heart or Running Dog nebula or an atmospheric cloud-form or a constellation—Canis Majoris). This is a poem in which things “ought naturally to give off ideas of conjunction” (a Marianne Moore-ish sort of phrase)—and yet, these conjunctions are often swimming against the prose sense of things rather than with them. There is a particular pathos in those times when joining things together doesn’t seem to guarantee their significance or stability. Conjunction and metamorphosis are sometimes uneasy associates, bound together like the artists in Tehching Hsieh and Linda Montano’s Rope Piece. One has some sympathy with the dog in this poem, who’s been up all night trying to sleep through these unsettling dreams; one has some sympathy with the dreams who are trying to sleep in the dog. The “i” is like the “i” of dreams, as you will know if you have ever remembered a dream, as you will know if you have ever forgotten one.
—Rebecca Ariel Porte

Kim Keever, Abstract 10245b (2014), c-print. Courtesy of Tillou Fine Art.
great dog undoubtedly connected and luminous
medical food, it’s a tennis pink
rises v lively inside some hoses
i love so much these shapes and motions
i make a cloud, i name it
Transparent and Humorless, Nutritious
it’s a froufrou of stuffs
fog and everybody quietly think
pain brooks no distances
BUT can be distinguished from itself with large instruments
set upon the ground in their tin containers
i say “take a bath” and she proceeds to wash the bath
rigorous, a rag
it feels like a filmic like an opportune time—
& ought naturally give off ideas of conjunction
i find precise fences where the animal ceases
lie down inside them, spreading my wonders
the birdseed, &
i am the increase wild jaguar
finally free from pet jaguar
then ruined, selling the furniture
1. the coral north
2. coral hearth
3. coral tortoise
all of it free
when we arrive at the vegetable kingdom
descending the stairs in the bridal regalia
you wanted a fine thing but in a bad way
the birds were somewhere i wasn’t there
i just mark places where blood should be in the face
the wasp tacks madly in the breeze for its nest
i had the blue teeth face
blue teeth cube
sh sh, says the isolate dog
who has been up all night, trying to sleep
some of even the stalks are beheaded
in the ice tray
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