Liz Collins works fluidly between art and design, with emphasis and expertise in textile media. Embracing abstraction, optics, and extreme material contrasts, Collins explores the boundaries between painting, fiber arts and installation, intuitively laying bare expressions of energy, emotion, and the viscereality of existence. Liz’s solo exhibitions and installations have been in NYC at Museum of Arts and Design, LMAK, Heller, and BGSQD, and NADA, Collective, and Spring Break art fairs; the Tang Museum (Saratoga Springs, NY), AMP (Provincetown, MA), Knoxville Museum of Art (TN), Gallery DLUL (Ljubljana), and Rossana Orlandi (Milan). Liz’s work has been included in group exhibitions in NYC at Leslie Lohman Museum, Museum of FIT, New Museum, MoMA, the Drawing Center, BRIC, Smackmellon, Asya Geisberg, Sargent’s Daughters, and at September Gallery (Hudson, NY), NoLAB ( Istanbul), Kristin Hjellegjerde (Berlin), Luis de Jesus Los Angeles & LAMAG (LA), and Addison Gallery (Andover, MA). Collins’ honors include a USA Fellowship, a MacColl Johnson Fellowship, Foundation for Contemporary Arts & ArtistRelief grants, Drawing Center Open Sessions and residencies at Siena Art Institute, MacDowell, Yaddo, Haystack, and Museum of Arts and Design. Collins is a Queer Art Mentor, on the Advisory Board of Fire Island Art Residency, a member of the Exhibitions Committe at Leslie Lohman Museum, and is currently in the Two Trees Cultural Subsidy Studio Program in Brooklyn. The Tang Museum has just released Liz Collins Energy Field , her first major publication.
Making Markers
Liz Collins discusses how a collection of maps shaped her new body of work for the exhibition Wayfinding.
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