Gossip Goals: A Quiz
All kinds of people love to gossip, but how into it are you? Do you have legendary gossip hound potential?
Like, do you know everything your neighbor bought for her date with that weird dude from Craigslist? Or do you have to wait to hear all the juicy details from your landlady after the fact?
Gossiping is a feel-good activity for a lot of folks, because sharing secrets releases endorphins. According to a 2019 article in Time, one study on gossip even, “found that the caudate nucleus, a reward center in the brain, was activated in response to negative gossip about celebrities; subjects seemed to be amused or entertained by salacious celebrity scandals.”[1] This may be one of the reasons that celebrity gossip is so pervasive, and lucrative.
Take this quiz to see which OG Lady of Gossip you are. We’ll help you figure out whether you’ve got the goods to start your own tabloid, or if the only gossipy thing you can say is, “My friend coughed weirdly yesterday.”

[1] Sofia Gottfried, “The Science Behind Why People Gossip- and When it can Be a Good Thing.” Time Magazine, 2019. https://time.com/5680457/why-do-people-gossip/
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