Editor’s note:
Ana Mendieta was a Cuban-American artist who worked inventively, poetically, and defiantly across many different kinds of media. In “Creek,” an ekphrasis of an image from Mendieta’s Earth Bodies series, Silvina López Medin amplifies the resonance between the matter of the human body and the substance of earth. How should a person be in the realm of the senses? What would it be like to be at home in the world? Medin’s pared-back couplets bring out the fierce pleasure of posing these questions–and also their equivocal character–because to be at home in the body, at home in the world, is often to resist overwhelming contraries. Sometimes things look deceptively simple. Sometimes this is the best joke of appearances. Elemental is as elemental does.
—Rebecca Ariel Porte
After Ana Mendieta’s Creek
a body lying face down
lying in a body of water face down
lying in a stream face down, the legs
lined up in the same direction, never meeting or
spreading apart, feet
starting or pointing to one angle of the frame
followed by backside, back, back of the head: the head
toward the opposite angle, the certitude
of the body as line
across a frame, its stillness
against running water, the strippedness
of lines pointing
to a form stretched by its own weight
a final scene
not a body, a corpse
but the head
but the head
still though as if just turned
to listen: a sudden sound
perhaps the weight of a foot on a branch
or the far splash of a stone, that head
turning to listen, bends
the line across the frame, breaks
the stillness like a branch that yields
under a sole, piercing
the scene, a body
inside a body
of water, head down
not turned toward the camera but away
you can’t see the mouth but know
the mouth is there
the lips are there
spreading apart
to let the air out

Untitled (Creek), 1974
Still from Super-8 color, silent film, 3 min. 30 sec.
(A bit of the film can be seen in minute 5:20 here:
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